Monday 27 August 2007

Grammar correction and adding on...

Wah, postingan gw yang sebelumny dapet koreksi dari salah satu sahabat di USA sana...
Gini nih koreksinya....


Getting dumped always make a man stronger and if he wasn'texperienced enough,

he'll be able to laugh and joke about it, or atleast take it as an experience, hence he can't fulfill his duties as aman.

So, it's the man's responsibility to be strong, eh?

Pretty much. But then again, men aren't meant to pursue happiness.

Am i desperate enough....?

i had a hard time fixing it.

reply in english too?alright.

if you're not gonna pursue happiness, what else you gonna pursue?

eternal life?

being strong isn't a responsibility.'s best if you're strong,

butyeah, shit happens.

broken heart much?


Huwehehehe....baik betul sobat satu ini, sempet jg dia ngeditin tulisan yang amburadul grammarny ini... hehe thanx bro!

Lalu beginilah jawabanku selanjutnya.....

Once again....please correct my grammar ok (if i'm wrong... , Arya thanx for the correction)

Not really.... not enough to make me awfull, hahahaha....

I surprise, something happen in my mailbox...a lot of question....

Just a clarification... "Getting dumped...." i don't mean about dumped by women ok.... so stop make your own conclusion...hummm..

It's another i just write something like dumped to describe how bad am i in this case...

Without women around, there'd be no one to reject your advances and toughen you up! Man are all alike... Is it true?

Happiness is about get what you want, and share with i'm not gonna pursue happiness, just pursue someone...hahahahaha.....

Eternal life? Sound interesting...but i don't want it... life after death much better than eternal life...

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